Every photographer, no matter their skill level, understands the importance of different lenses. Different-sized lenses serve different purposes, but sometimes the specifics of this can become overwhelming, especially with the masses of information on the internet. Here we discuss what is a 75-300mm lens good for.
There’s no need to worry, though! If you’re wondering what a 75-300mm lens is good for, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will explore the basics of the 75-300mm lenses.
By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you will understand the uses for this kind of lens!
What Is A 75-300mm Lens Good For?
If you see these numbers when you are looking for a lens, then you are likely to be looking at a telephoto lens! These lenses are great for the amount of reach that they give to photographers. They are perfect for taking photos of subjects that are far away.
These lenses are also fairly easy to get used to. Whether a beginner or a professional, you will easily get to grips with this lens and get some great shots.
You can get two different varieties of telephoto lenses: zooms and primes.
Zoom Telephoto Lenses
A zoom telephoto lens offers a lower performance level. They may not provide the same sharpness as primes, but they do give the photographers the versatility that they need. This is because they have excellent zoom technology. 70-300mm lenses are zoom telephoto lenses.
Prime Telephoto Lenses
A prime lens is great for working with a focal length that is fixed. You won’t be able to zoom in and out with this lens.
These lenses are great because they offer very sharp photos and excellent image quality. If you want to zoom in, however, you won’t be able to do this with this lens.
Instead, you will have to physically move closer to your subject. Depending on what you want the lens for, this may be problematic for you.
What Are 75-300mm Lenses Commonly Used For?
There are some very common uses of telephoto lenses. If you are looking for something to help you with certain photography skills, see if they are listed below. If they are, then it is worth adding one of these lenses to your kit!
Super Telephoto Lenses
Wildlife Shots
Lenses that are at 300mm and beyond are great for professionals who are attempting to capture some fantastic wildlife shots. Skilled photographers will be able to use this lens to get some successful close-up images of some animals that are difficult to capture.
You can also get some great details of the night sky if you have a telephoto lens like this. If you have the reach that these lenses offer you, then this gives you the chance to get some fantastic shots.
The 75-300mm lens is great for astrophotography. If you have the right skills, you will be able to get great shots of deep-space objects.
With astrophotography how wide the lens opens is important. A lower number is better. For instance, the lens in the photograph below is a 4 – 5.6 focal ratio lens. This means that at a focal length of 75mm the maximum aperture results in a focal ratio of 4 and at 300mm 5.6.
Medium Telephoto Lenses
Action Shots
Lenses that are advertised at somewhere between 130mm and 300mm are medium telephoto lenses. These are great for things like action shots.
These are one of the most popular types of lenses, and they are very easy to find. They are also available at a range of different prices.
These lenses are excellent tools for those who shoot action photos. If you are taking pictures of sports or other scenarios that are fairly dynamic, then this is definitely perfect for you.
The zoom allows you to stand at a distance but still get great action shots. The image quality will remain strong, even if you use a strong zoom.
Short Telephoto Lenses
Wedding Photos
If you are a wedding or portrait photographer, then a shorter lens is best for you. Lenses between 80 and 130 mm are perfect as they offer excellent image quality and the ability to zoom in to whatever distance necessary.
Having the ability to adjust the zooming distance is very important when it comes to taking successful photos at weddings.
How Much Will A Telephoto Lens Cost?
Telephoto lenses differ greatly in price. Depending on what you’re looking for, you will have a choice of price.
You can get some very decent budget options, and you can pay a small amount for these lenses. At the same time, if you are looking to purchase a more premium lens, then they may cost a lot more. Professional-grade lenses can be even more expensive.
If you are a beginner, it is best to choose a budget option first. This will allow you to get used to taking photos before you invest a large amount of money in this.
Focal Length
A lens’s focal length is also important when considering the best lens to purchase. Focal length is a very basic description of a camera’s lens, and it tells you which angle the lens works at.
If you have a longer focal length, this will result in a narrow field of view and a high level of magnification. Things will look bigger in this lens.
Shorter focal lengths have a wider field of view and a low level of magnification. This means that things look a lot smaller.
This information, although very basic, is very important to consider when you are shopping for lenses. The higher the number, which is usually measured in mm, the better the lens will be at photographing distant subjects.
The lower the number, the better they are at taking pictures of closer images.
Focal Ratio
We mentioned focal ratio earlier but skipped some details. A focal ratio is a ratio of the focal length and the aperture of the lens (it is denoted as F/x, where x is the ratio).
Lenses are marked with their smallest focal ratio. For instance, if a lens is marked as a 75 – 300 mm 1:4 this means that the lowest ratio F/4 through the entire range of the lens. We have already mentioned what the markings on the lens in this article mean.
A focal ratio of F/4 will allow more light than a ratio of F/5.4.
For astrophotography lenses with a low ratio are best. An F/2.8 is great for astrophotography, but they tend to be on the pricy side.
Final Thoughts
After reading this article, you should have all the information you need about 75-300mm lenses. You should now know what these lenses are good for, helping you to decide whether this lens is right for you!
These lenses are great for many different things, and they can be used effectively by both beginners and professionals.
Hi, my name is Jason Anderson, and I am a Physics Professor. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated with space, the universe, the moon, you name it. I spent hours and hours at the planetarium close to my hometown, wondering what else could be out in the universe.
Since then, I’ve been an avid stargazer and astronomer, and love nothing more than spending my time charting stars, observing planets, and finding constellations.
This is why I decided to start Telescope Guru. I only wish to share this fun pastime with the world. With this site, I hope to answer all of your questions relating to astronomy, telescopes, and stargazing.